Virginia McClary, CLE. CLD
Virginia McClary is a dedicated Christ-follower, wife, mother, doula and lactation professional. She lives outside of Chattanooga, TN with her high school sweetheart and husband James, daughters, Camille and Jemima, and two sons, Peter and Quinn. Her experiences with her own pregnancies, births, and breastfeeding inspired her to pursue training and professional certifications to counsel, educate, and support other mothers during their childbirth year and breastfeeding experience.
In 2015, after the birth of their first two children, Virginia and James experienced a devastating miscarriage. They went on to conceive their rainbow baby, Quinn, who due to a maternal infection was born at 30 weeks and four days and spent one month in the NICU. Through the journey of her miscarriage, personal illness, and Quinn’s NICU stay, Virginia learned to trust God on a whole new level. She can say truly, “it is well with my soul."
The mission of Eve’s Victory hits close to home with Virginia for obvious reasons. Virginia looks forward to the opportunities EV will give her to share her story and minister the redeeming love of Jesus to mothers and families who have been touched by premature birth, infant illness, and/or infant loss.